

Anna // 2nd Year // Biochemistry

Unending love. Perfect joy. Complete freedom. Unimaginable peace. Eternal security.

These are incredible promises of Jesus’ kingdom that I far too often take for granted. It’s hard to comprehend that He suffered and died so that you and I could be in relationship with our Father, and have life in all its fullness through Him. Growing up I’ve been discovering this is the foundational truth of our faith, and it changes everything.

Giving my life to God has been more of a gradual process than a lightbulb moment. Little by little, mainly through reading the Bible, praying, speaking with others and worshipping, I’ve become convicted that Jesus’ words are absolute truth which must impact the way I live today. I’ve recognised my complete need for a saviour. Despite my inadequacy and constant failings, I’ve experienced the depths of His joy, love and peace. I’ve learnt He is faithful and will never give up on anyone.

It’s an absolute privilege to know and serve such a loving, caring Father. Because of His sacrificial love, I stand with confidence as a fully known, free and loved child of God. I know that His kingdom is unshakeable, open and available to everyone and that is simply the greatest security through the ups and downs of my life. This hymn lyric summarises it well…

‘Love so amazing, so divine, demands my soul, my life, my all.’