Local Churches


The Bristol University Christian Union is primarily a mission team whose vision is to give everyone at Bristol University the opportunity to hear and respond to the good news of Jesus Christ.

Because we are not a church and cannot begin to offer some of the great things being part of a church brings, we believe it is vital for all our members to be regularly attending a church for these reasons:

  • The CU is constantly changing and you will only be a member for a few years, but churches have a long term vision forming a stable setting for your growth as a Christian at University;
  • The CU is run by volunteer students in full-time study, whereas churches have full-time staff willing and able to teach you and offer the support you need;
  • The CU is exclusively for students, whereas churches are formed of people from all ages and backgrounds, allowing you to be a member of a truly diverse family;
  • Christians are instructed not to be alone in our faith, but to always encourage (1 Thessalonians 5:11, Hebrews 3:12-13, 10:24-25) and serve (1 Peter 4:9-11) one another, building up the Church as the Body of Christ (Ephesians 4:11-12).

If you would like to visit a church with another student then email us at bristolcupublicity@gmail.com and we'll be in touch to arrange something for you!


We’d love to help you find a local congregation that you can call family. Here you will find a description of twenty-five churches in Bristol.
See also Bristol Student Churches, a page of interviews compiled by the Christian Unions of Bristol and UWE.