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I wasn’t brought up in a Christian home and although we sang hymns at school, I never grasped the relevance of Jesus to my life. But when I was 17 a serious illness and a seemingly miraculous recovery left me with lots of unanswered questions about God and eternity. Yet I quickly pushed away these thoughts and focused on creating my own happiness and living with no regrets. But the freedom I was seeking eluded me. At a time where I thought I should be the most alive, I just felt lost.

Mercifully, I stumbled upon the CU in my second year of university. Hearing the gospel and being amongst Christians who had such assurance in Jesus made my questions come flooding back. Tentatively I began to read the Bible with a friend, and soon discovered that Jesus wasn’t far-off, rule-making, or fun-destroying, but rather someone who knew me, loved me and related to me in all my hardships. It was a gradual process but eventually I knew He was the missing part of my life, and I invited Him in.

I won’t lie and say that all of my problems have disappeared since then. But the freedom and peace that comes from knowing that Jesus is with me through everything is like no other. I can find joy and hope in every circumstance, safe in the knowledge that He loves me and is working things out for my good. Trusting that Jesus paid the ultimate sacrifice to bring us into an everlasting relationship with God truly is life changing. If you have questions too, I really encourage you to take time to investigate Jesus for yourself. I’m certain you won’t be disappointed.