


When I was 5, I first understood my sin and God’s holiness through the Gospel, that I could be saved only through believing in Jesus, who died on the cross for my sins, taking the punishment I deserve. Growing up in a Christian family, I knew my Bible well, but I did not really live it out. For me being a Christian was merely about escaping Hell and going to Heaven, and I was not even sure I would go to Heaven.

At school, I tried to live out my faith, despite being mocked for my beliefs, but going to university showed what was really in my heart. In my first year, I went to church and Christian Union, but I lived for myself and followed the crowd, including drinking and clubbing. I felt lost and had no direction in my life. At a Christian conference the following summer, I was convicted of my sin and God changed me. I do not know exactly when I became a Christian, but I now know that by God’s grace I am.

I have since seen much change in my life, and although I am far from perfect, God is helping me overcome sin in my life. This year, through the pandemic and lockdown, God has taught me to trust Him and to know that no matter what happens God is always in control. I understand that being a Christian is about a personal relationship with God and living for Him not for myself. I know that my identity is found in Christ, not in anything or anyone else, and that gives me peace, joy, and a purpose in my life. I am certain that I am going to Heaven, not because of anything I have done, but because of what Christ has done for me.

Spring 2021Bristol CU