


When I lived and studied abroad, my life looked great. To anyone who looked at my social media they saw a life full of people, culture, adventure, everything pitched to society as ‘the good life’.

But there was something missing when the temporary fix of pleasure was gone. It was so fun, for sure, but when I came back to England I realised that the travelling, constant socialising, seeming adventure didn’t bring me enough pleasure to fuel me through the times I didn’t have those things. My only options seemed to be living my life constantly seeking temporary pleasures or to somehow find contentment in something permanent which I could hold on to.

A friend of mine was also struggling from post-adventure blues, but she still had something to hold onto which brought her contentment: Jesus.

It took me a while to realise Jesus can bring something permanent; a contentment that doesn’t fade away as circumstances change.

Constantly seeking pleasures had drained me; always asking me to do more or live a certain way. Jesus expects nothing from me, yet He gives me so much... love, patience, security, everlasting contentment.

Watch Charlotte’s interview in How Can I Have the Good Life When It Feels Like Anxiety and Depression Control Me?

Autumn 2020Bristol CU