

Having come from a Christian family I guess I never thought of how blessed i was being surrounded by friends and family that knew what true freedom was. Finally deciding that Christianity was pretty legit at the age of 16 at a Christian camp was probably the best decision I've ever made. Living a Christian life can be a struggle. It often looks like a daily up and down battle, rather than a constant growth in Godliness - but the freedom that comes with knowing that Christ has paid the ultimate penalty for our sins so our relationship with God can be secure is so liberating. I have struggled with the idea of true freedom as the challenges and pains that we face each day are so real: social pressures, future uncertainty, poor mental health to name a few, but I rejoice in the Gospel that through the secure hope that we have and the grace that’s been given to us we can be truly free to rest in Christ’s salvation.

Autumn 2021Bristol CU