

Nathan // 3rd Year // Classics (Greek & Latin)

Because I was raised in a Christian household and vaguely held to the beliefs that my parents had, I erroneously thought I must be a Christian. However, through my own lack of understanding, I did not have any clear understanding of who Jesus was or God’s plan of salvation.

When I was around the age of twelve, I became aware of the world and how most people do not have a relationship with God. Simultaneously though, I was in my Father's attic on a certain day going through his library of books. I came across a book explaining the message of the Bible. It gave me for the first time a clear understanding of how I was a sinner deserving eternal punishment since I have rebelled against God and put myself before others; yet, I further learnt how Jesus came to save me from this by giving his life as a ransom on my behalf. I was before a fork in the road and I had to decide which path to follow. I soon afterwards put my trust in Christ and asked God to forgive me of my sins.

The number of times I have continued to sin and be a poor ambassador for Jesus after becoming saved is quite frankly shocking. In spite of this, when I am untrustworthy, He remains trustworthy and forgives me and helps me to sin no more. As I gradually learnt – and still learning to this day- to put my trust in Jesus more and more and be moulded into the likeness of Him, I can confidently say that, while being a follower of Him has not made my life easier, knowing my Saviour Jesus far outweighs what this world has to offer.


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