

Aimee // 2nd Year // Maths

When I was young I never considered why I went to church or why my dad prayed with us. I was a child that aimed to please though so I knew my bible stories and could recite verses when asked, but beyond that God didn’t really matter to me and He didn’t seem to make any difference to my life. In short I felt had bigger things to think about at the time.

My childhood was quite a bit harder than average and I felt responsible for more than I should have at that age. I was fearful so I wanted to be in control of everything around me in order to keep my family safe. It was at the point when I realised that I was not in control of anything that happened in my life that God made Himself known to me, and in an instant He showed me that whilst I am helpless He is powerful. Even though I had been ignoring Him until then, God loves me and cares deeply about me and He was in control of everything that was happening to me even though it was bad.

Now I live a changed life because I have the knowledge that God loves me more than I can imagine. So much so that He sent His son to die for me and pay the ransom for my sins, in order to give me a way back to a perfect and eternal relationship with Him. This is what He promises to everyone who accepts His free gift of forgiveness through Christ.

“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you life and a future.” Jeremiah 29:11