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Before I knew Jesus, a year ago, I was constantly trying to find a state of fulfilment, whether it was through achievement, pleasure or new experiences. Deep down I was looking to be completed because I felt like there was something missing in my life. I was trying to run away from the shame and emptiness I felt. I thought I was the only one.

Then through many discussions, I realised that only Jesus had the power to fulfil me. He had the power to heal the shame that was carved into my very being. He has completed me. Before I used to live for myself but now I live for the living God who created me and knows me better than I know myself. Being a Christian doesn’t mean I don’t face challenges in my life. But I try every day to live how he commands that I should rather than living for my own idea of what is right. I can say that Christ has made me genuinely want the best for people. I no longer feel that feeling of meaningless that I felt. I was always searching for meaning and now I have found it in Christ.