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Suzie // 3rd Year // Veterinary Science

I’ve never really had an answer to the question ‘when did you become a Christian?’ - my family brought me up going to Church and I’ve always had this belief that God is who he says he is. But even so, I think you reach a point where you have to take hold of your faith for yourself and not just blindly follow your parents. I attended a summer camp throughout my teenage years, and it was in this God-centred place that I really began to take into my heart what the Bible was telling me.

As a country girl, moving into the city was a big challenge for me - I felt hemmed-in and distanced from the farm life I’m tempted to feel defines who I am. God challenged me to trust him, to explore this new place. I constantly need reminding to trust God and not just follow my independent nature, but each time I choose to follow him he is faithful. One of the most important things I’ve learnt through my faith is that my true, unchanging worth and identity is given to me by my father God, and that what society tries to tell me I am or should be so often isn’t the truth.