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Gavin // 2nd Year // Law

When I was 14, I went to church for the first time in over a year and did so without simply trying to poke holes in what I heard for the first time in nearly a decade. What made me go with that open mind was, bizarrely, a trip to the pub.

While I was born into a Christian family, this fell apart after my parents separated. After then, I went to church every other weekend when visiting my dad but only because it was expected, and I never took what I heard at church very seriously.

But the people I was with at the pub were Christians, and they demonstrated brilliantly what living as a Christian is all about; showing God’s love to each other and to the world.

When I went to church that Sunday, I believe I felt the love of God; the kind of love with the power to transform everyday people into something more. After hearing how others became Christians, I decided to commit myself in the same way.

I can’t say that I feel that different since becoming a Christian, since for me being a Christian is more about what I believe to be true than what I feel, but I definitely live differently, more confidently, and more hopefully than before.