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Oli // 3rd Year // Geography

I am from a Christian family. Both of my parents love and trust Jesus. My Dad is a vicar. I always went to church. I knew all the stories. I seemed to do all the right things. But I wasn’t a Christian. In truth, I was as far from being a Christian as an adamant atheist would want to be. This is because nothing about us, nor anything we do can make us a Christian.

The God who made everything says to each one of us,
“The wages of [your] sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord” Romans 3:26

In reality, despite outward appearance, I didn’t want God to rule my life. I’d put myself in charge. I assumed I knew better how to spend my time and money than God does. In God’s words, I was a sinner. And so it’s only right that because I’d rejected God, he would reject me. An eternal death, cut off from the source of all goodness and life forever. But, in his great love, God sent Jesus to die my death, to pay the penalty for my sin. Jesus faced God’s right anger at sin so that I never have to. This is how God is able to give the free gift of eternal life. Not because of anything I do, but because of what Jesus has done. It is only because of Jesus, my saviour and Lord, that I am able to call myself a Christian. It is overwhelmingly liberating knowing that I can trust in Jesus, not myself, for eternity.

Who are you trusting in for eternity?