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Florrie // 1st Year // English

Being raised in a Christian family, I figured I largely had it sussed. I could talk the talk and give the right answers to my quizzical friends. I rested smugly in this sinful pride and continued as the boss of my life, gladly being fulfilled by the seemingly exciting, yet fleeting things that came my way.

However, it didn’t take long for me to understand how misplaced this pride was. Knowing Jesus is far from knowing what to say or how to act in a way that ‘is Christian’. As Romans 5:8 states: ‘whilst we were still sinners, Christ died for us.’ These words showed me that irrespective of my brokenness, Christ loved me so much that he would die for me and take the weight of this brokenness on his shoulders. Knowledge of this surely warrants a response that recognises Jesus as king.

Knowing a God like this is transformative. Every day, I fall short of God’s glory and yet I know that Christ’s love for me endures. I know that God sees my heart regardless of the image I present, and yet he loves me all the same.

Because of this, my life as a Christian is changed and I seek to honour God in all I do. By no means is this easy, but knowing the depths of Jesus’s love for me propels me every day.